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I love biographies and filling you full of bullshit that makes you want me as your new best friend...not.


I grew up in bean country, Illinois.  We really had nothing better to do than read and play in the creek.  I enjoyed both, equally.  As I stumbled into adulthood, I was a passionate reader of all things mushy and romantic.  And an occassional creepy dose of Stephen King!


As an adult, I fell in love with a man who showed me that love isn't just a fictional creation, stemmed from human desire.  He gave to me the greatest gift of all, four sassy, stubborn, sensational daughters.  After twenty-five years, he is still my one true love.  


As a writer, I try to craft whitty, heartfelt characters that are full of life and real emotion--similiar to my own bff's.  I'm no prude, but I also don't get into repeated sweat scenes that have no real plot.  So, sorry ladies, no covers filled with tattooed abs from this author.  


Things I love most:  My husband.  My family.  My framily.  My dogs.   Hunting.  The beach.  Funday Sunday.  Seafood.  Cheese.  Music. Good dreams.  Reading.  Writing.  Sunny days.  Picnics in the park.

Things I hate most:  Stupidity.  Beets.  Bridges.  Ticks.  Getting out of bed on a rainy day.  Hangovers.  Control freaks.   Clowns.  Liars.  Brussel Sprouts. Bad Dreams.  Spiders.  Cleaning and shopping.

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